Taking a stand to protect children's health
Diana, Princess of Wales, makes her first public speech about AIDS at a conference organised by NCB and the National AIDS Trust on children and HIV, following publication of our report, HIV, AIDS and Children: A Cause for Concern CREDIT: ITN
Helping families to make informed choices
HIV, AIDS and Children: A Cause for Concern pinpointed the lack of information available to children and parents infected and affected by AIDS. A year after its publication, we established the National Forum on AIDS and Children, later the HIV Network, which has since disbanded. For information regarding children and young people with HIV and AIDS visit CHIVA.

Giving people access to truth on AIDS and HIV
Continuing from their work in the 1980s, a range of charities sought to raise awareness and educate people about AIDS during the 1990s. For NCB this included organising this conference where we launched a report on Children's Rights and HIV.

Amplifying the voices of disabled children
NCB’s Philippa Stobbs OBE sets up the Special Educational Consortium to create a national campaign and lobbying voice for the disabled children’s sector.

A tragic and shocking turning point in UK culture
18-year old Stephen Lawrence was murdered in an unprovoked racist attack as he waited for a bus in Eltham, London. His death and the subsequent police investigation had major repercussions on society and culture in Britain.
Disabled people gain protection from discrimination
The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 was the first piece of legislation to establish legal protections for disabled people in the UK against discrimination in areas like education and employment. The DDA made it illegal to discriminate against disabled people in relation to employment, facilities, and goods and service provision (including shops and restaurants). The DDA made provision for the education of pupils with impairments, including those with special educational needs. NCB's Philippa Russell was the commissioner with responsibility for education, children and families.
Celebrating a game-changing NCB hero
Philippa Stobbs OBE was also instrumental in creating the National Network of Parent Partnerships (NPPN) in 1995, a precursor to the IASSN, which has supported SEND Information Advice and Support services for children, young people and parents since 2014.
Influencing major changes to early education
The Government launches a National Childcare Strategy, including its Sure Start programme, built on the foundation of NCB research from 1995, Effective Organization of Early Childhood Services, that identified three main organisational models for the management of early years and childcare services: integrated, coordinated and collaborative. Watch a lecture on the creation of Sure Start by the first director of the Sure Start Unit
Developing a workforce that is sufficiently knowledgeable and skilled to make positive changes for children has always been a key focus for NCB and in 2005, our then CEO Paul Ennals was invited by the government to chair the Children's Workforce Development Council, set up in recognition of the challenges faced by people working in the sector.
Getting more (and more) young people involved
We established our youth membership group, Young NCB, to help amplify the voices and encourage the active participation of children and young people, following the publication of Young Opinions, Great Ideas in 1998. Find out more about how we involve children and young people here.
Young NCB have played a very important role in our 60th anniversary celebrations and in early 2023 we asked them to help us bring our 60th branding to life with their own brilliant creative ideas. Here's what they came up with...